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Taking H&S seriously

Health & Safety Policy

Taylor Construction Plant Ltd attaches great importance to the safety of its employees and has established and implemented a Health and Safety Management System to manage the risks associated with our premises and activities, and to meet the requirements of ISO 45001.

Taylor Construction Plant Ltd and Light Green Power Ltd attach great importance to the safety of their employees and others who may be affected by its operational processes and have established and implemented a Health and Safety Management System to manage the risks associated with our premises and activities, and to meet the requirements of ISO 45001.

The Directors of TCP & LGP recognise and accept their responsibilities for all matters of health, safety and welfare within TCP & LGP. This will not be compromised to prioritise other objectives.

TCP & LGP are committed to the prevention of injury and ill health, and compliance with all applicable legal requirements.

The company will:

  • Regularly review performance and set appropriate OH&S Objectives to ensure that OH&S
    performance is Continually Improved wherever practicable.
  • Actively promote an open attitude to Health and Safety issues, encouraging staff to identify
    and report hazards so that everyone can contribute to creating and maintaining a safe working environment.
  • Communicate and consult with all employees on all issues affecting their health and safety,
    and bring this policy to their attention.
  • Provide adequate training for all employees to enable them to work safely and effectively, and to ensure they are competent in the work they carry out.
  • Carry out and regularly review risk assessments to identify hazards and review existing control measures, to eliminate hazards where possible, or reduce the associated risks according to the recognised hierarchy of controls.
  • Maintain our premises and work equipment, and implement procedures, to ensure that risks are reduced to the lowest practicable levels.

It is the duty of all personnel when at work:

  • To take reasonable care of their own safety, including, if necessary, removing themselves
    from situations that present imminent danger, without incurring undue consequences.
  • To take reasonable care of the safety of others who may be affected by what we do, or fail to do.
  • To ensure they do not interfere with, or misuse, anything provided in the interests of health
    and safety.
  • To comply with all applicable health and safety procedures.
  • To report hazards and defects observed in the workplace.

This statement will be periodically reviewed in the light of experience and developments within
national health and safety legislation.

Reviewed and authorised by:

Andrew Barker
Managing Director
December 2023

DISTRIBUTION: This policy is communicated within the organisation as part of induction training for personnel and is available to all Staff (via the TCP HR Services Website). It is also
available to Interested Parties upon request.